Students from all 7th grade ELA 2 classes arrived today to learn and listen from those who have served our country.
The panel consisted of two of our fellow teachers and four veterans from our local VFW. From Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraqi to Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Airforce, we certainly had diversity on our panel and students were excited to ask their questions.
Our students were polite, respectful and so interested in what our Veterans had to share through their experiences and stories that I could not have been more proud. I am so excited for them to start writing their essays, and I know for sure that these students will take this experience with them for the rest of their lives.
I am also so thankful that these Veterans volunteered their time to educate our students. They were funny, easy to approach and went above and beyond for our students today. I also have to thank our two teachers who gave up their time to reach out to our specific students and share with them about their past as well.
Here are some photos of the event:
It was a wild success - - Thank you students and staff who contributed!!!
Meanwhile in 8th grade:
8th Graders have been dedicating their time and writing to a My Name assignment. They are to research their name and Chinese Zodiac while also emulating Sandra Cisneros' "My Name". If you'd like to check out the original vignette by Cisneros, click here. Here is one stellar piece written by a fantastic student:
My Name
In English my name means lighthearted, it means friendly. Its like the number seven. A deep wine color in the midst of the sunset. The dog running towards me as we name him Caesar.
It is my Grandmother’s name. The one I look up too. The one I wish to have known. Born in the year of the rooster. A talented, courageous, resourceful woman. I, born in the year of the dragon, am very intelligent, enthusiastic, and confident. My Grandmother born in the year of the rooster is very open, honest, and outspoken. Even though our Chinese horoscopes aren't the same sharing the name makes up for it.
I would have liked to have known her. Would have liked to see her smile. Its like the sun rising in the crisp morning air. The cancer bringing her down, she fought like army men defending our country. She was a ticking time bomb with only months to live. She brought happiness to all people and smiles to everyone in her path.
My Grandfather got diagnosed with heart disease. He fought until he had nothing left. My Grandmother was devastated. She was a single mother raising three girls. She was a busy bee. Running everywhere with three girls.My Grandmother got diagnosed with Cancer. She fought it as much as she could. About thirteen years after my Grandfather passed away, my Grandmother got diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The girls, Karen, Lydia, and Laura didn't know what to do. They were right beside her on her long journey of Cancer. In May, 1994, she passed away, months after my Mother’s wedding. Keeping my head high about her is so hard. Not knowing as much about your grandmother as you would want is frustrating, But I know she is always looking after me from up above.
At school they say my name like the breeze of the autumn day. Beautiful and moving. They say it like, Ka-thryn the way it is spelt. It makes me feel special and honored to have that name. Kathryn, the name of the crisp wind. My brother, Christopher has the name like a lion. Chrissssstopherrrrr. It sounds so fun and delighting to say.
I would not like to baptize myself under a new name. My name is specific to me. It means That i am a happy, daredevil. My name explains me in just two words. I have grown to like my name. As being a little kid i wished my name was mispronounced so I could hear myself say it. My name has the prettiest ring to it. The sound just flows out of your mouth. The long story behind my name is saddening but I still have hope. Yes, Kathryn is the only name I would imagine for a person like me. Along with the writing piece, students created Name Art. Here are a few examples:
The writing together with the art creates a wonderful contrast of creativity.
6th GRADE has written their six word memoirs and we are finally now on our way to making the video. Until the video is ready, here are some memoirs to hold you over until then:

Secret Word for students 10-02-14: IDENTITY
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